Candidater à la licence
05 57 59 23 00
05 57 59 23 00
The Bachelor's degree in computer science (video game course) is a three-year apprenticeship in a company, with periods of study at the Cnam-Enjmin in Angoulême.
The aim is to gain the skills of a programmer in the cultural and creative industries (video game or multimedia studio, or immersive technologies department of a large company).
The course is registered with the RNCP under code 24514. .
It will enable you to study for a Master's degree in computer science.
The courses in this degree are entirely online, via a digital learning environment.
They are delivered asynchronously, meaning that the apprentice works at his or her own pace, reading the content provided.
Students will be supervised by a teaching assistant who will ensure that personal work progresses smoothly and that the dynamics of the student group are maintained.
Courses are created and improved each year by authors based on student feedback, but there is no exchange between teachers and students during the course.
Further study is possible in Masters-type courses in computer science, subject to acceptance by the schools concerned. There is no automatic progression to a Master's degree at Cnam Enjmin. It is, of course, possible to take the competitive entrance examination for a Master's degree.