Dr Steven Caulkin
20 décembre 201815h15 - 17h15
Cubic Motion: www.cubicmotion.com
Steve completed his PhD in Computer Vision in 2001 and went on to develop an interest in machine learning techniques for visual effects and animation. He joined Cubic Motion in 2009 to help build a new generation of facial animation technologies, enabling highly efficient, convincing character pipelines for many blockbuster AAA games titles and VFX projects. His recent work has focused on real-time digital characters.
About Cubic Motion
Cubic Motion was founded in 2009, developing cutting-edge computer vision and machine learning technology. This platform has enabled its specialised production team to deliver facial animation for projects such as Ryse: Son of Rome, Until Dawn and Hellblade. The company's computer vision and facial solving technology was awarded the Siggraph 2016 Best Real-Time Graphics and Interactivity Prize, along with Epic Games, Ninja Theory and 3Lateral.