Games & UX: An impossible mix?

Audrey Laurent-André - Associate UX Director at Ubisoft Montréal

19 décembre 2019
10h45 - 11h30

Most games are about throwing obstacles at players so they can have fun overcoming them. On the other side, UX is often described as removing obstacles to ensure users have a frictionless interaction with a product. But if you’re removing all frictions from your game, wouldn’t you remove what makes it a game in the first place? There lies the biggest misconception about UX: it’s not about removing frictions, but unnecessary frictions.

Audrey Laurent-André is Associate UX Director at Ubisoft Montréal. After 4 years as a User Research Analyst at Ubisoft Paris where she ran user tests on many different games, she joined Ubisoft Montréal in 2015 to work as a User Research Project Manager on For Honor, to oversee the research strategy and planning of the project. She then evolved to a UX Director position in 2018 and is now working on making the design and production even more player-centric.